Thursday, September 27, 2012

Jackie & the Bunny Cat

Jackie and I visited some lovely ladies and their foster cats today, including Stellaluna the bunny cat. Born with a funky tail end, Stellaluna is a pretty accurate cross between a kitten and a bunny, complete with adorable little hop (she's quite speedy) and a little puff tail. Seriously, it's pretty much the cutest thing ever. When Stella is a bit bigger, they'll be able to x-ray her and try to see the cause of her uniqueness; it's hard to predict if she'll be just fine as she grows or if she'll have issues/need surgery. Right now, she's pure adorable. Hard to get her to stay still for a photo, actually!  Jackie the photographer fell in love and I think is plotting a way to steal her.

We also visited a cute & friendly stray cat found by a lady who helps people find their lost cats. She hasn't been claimed and is looking for a new home. She's very sweet, playful and posed nicely for the camera - hard to ask for a better cat really!

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