Saturday, September 1, 2012

Cats on the internet

Other cat-related blogs - in case you need additional distraction & entertainment:

I Have Cat: Tamar began "I Have Cat" as a way to chronicle her life as a 30-something NYC singleton looking for love despite the complication of owning cat. Very funny posts.

Best Friends - not a blog but the website of a magical, wonderful animal rescue & welfare group. They do really amazing work and their sanctuary in Utah is a place worth visiting if you want your faith in human beings restored (I went in 2009). I recommend their Guardian Angel pages - where they document the progress of animals in particular need of special care.  Or their news pages. It's all very uplifting stuff. - Are you kind of person that hates 'cutesy' cat stuff? And cat furniture that looks terrible?  This site is a collection of AMAZING modern design cat stuff - litter box enclosures, cat trees, cat shelves - you name it. Often the stuff they find is crazy expensive, but still, it's fun to dream!  Here's an example - furniture that doubles as a shelf & a climbing space for cats - without making it look like you live in a cattery!


  1. WOW I just saw your feature of I HAVE CAT here! Thanks so very very much! I love ModernCat - love Kate Benjamin!

  2. Hi Tamar - thanks for visiting! I'm a regular now over on your blog! :)
